Sunday, May 17, 2020

What Makes An Effective Social Theory Essay - 1465 Words

To reinforce the concept of difference in a social movement Baum suggests that what makes an effective social theory, including feminist theory is it understands the social and political arrangements of the people situated in the argument. So that understanding then helps shape the processes the theory must then go through (Baum 1087), because feminism is fighting for something so big, gender equality, it affects at least half of the population, and not one person s situation will be completely the same. For feminism because there is such a large base of people, it is difficult to situate everybody with their own individual arguments into the movement, because it is such a broad spectrum of people. This may be where some of the issues arise from feminism being such separated backgrounds of movements all fighting for the same issue. Difference feminists would argue that feminism needs to be fought because women and men have underlying differences, through their socialisation, and the standards that then sets for women to meet. Connell has a theory of ‘hegemonic masculinity’, and believes that there certain patterns of male masculinity are dominant in particular cultures (Connell 17). In comparison to this would be hegemonic femininity, an example of this could be in reality television ‘the swan’ is a realtity show in which cosmetic surgery and self improvement culture is hugely evident.In the show the particpant recieves a big reveal after undergoing considerableShow MoreRelatedWhat Makes A Good Leader?1338 Words   |  6 PagesAnalysis of Leadership Theories The topic of leadership and what makes a good leader has been studied for many years and has resulted in various leadership theories. 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